Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shakespeare Press Conference

Yesterday there was quite a bit of activity occurring at Tom Davies Square and we all had the opportunity to check out what was going on. We headed out into the main foyer to see a press conference being set up and it was definitely interesting to see everyone waiting around for it to start. We didn't know much before attending, but it caught everyone's interest right away. The first thing that we saw were many people in Shakespearian costume, including the Mayor! That alone intrigued us, as you can see from the picture below.

We learned that it was about making Shakespeare interesting for students and this company has been excelling at it for years now and now it's time for Sudbury to experience their productions. Currently, it is in the planning stages, but outdoor Shakespearian theatre is coming to Sudbury at Tom Davies Square! And the best part of it is that it's going to be free theatre, meaning that anyone contributes whatever they can afford, whether it be $1 or $10. That's a great idea since it allows everyone to come and attend and is not restricted to any particular group.

It looks like it will be a good time as there are lots of raving reviews from many people, students and teachers alike. They are now planning to transform Tom Davies Square courtyard into an outdoor theatre and three possible visions were seen and they all looked amazing! I can't wait until the finished product. The plan right now is to show Romeo and Juliet this summer and the approximate date for the shows is at the end of August and everyone should definitely stay tuned for more information!

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