Friday, May 14, 2010

Dynamic Earth

So, this morning we all got to explore Dynamic Earth. We were looking forward to seeing all of the new things that Dynamic Earth had to offer and to go on the underground tour once again. I haven't been underground in many years, so it was interesting to go again and refresh my memory of what it's all about.

When we arrived at Dynamic Earth, the first thing that we explored was the new exhibit that they have running. It's about Strange Matter and there are alot of interesting experiments to try. There are also many interesting exhibits to have a look at. Everyone should definitely head there sometime this summer to have a look, as it can be an educational experience. Here's a couple of pictures at the exhibit.

After looking at the Strange Matter exhibit, we headed to the other parts of Dynamic Earth. We checked out the MacLeod Rock Gallery and Amanda operated the used the rock breaker. It really looked neat and I'm sure kids enjoyed it. I had a look at the camera that show different areas of the mines and it was interesting to see workers walking back and forth and to see what the mines actually look like. We also had a look at the other exhibits that are around and there are tons to see! Included in everything is the chance to pan for gold. That was really fun, as you can see below:

After that, Shanna, Amanda, and I got fully dressed in mining gear. That was a hilarious experience and we had alot of fun with it. Here's a chance to see us in our outfits!

After all of this, we watched a video about mining in different parts of the world. It was really interesting to see the different types of mining done and the different stages of it in the world. The Creighton mine is shown and explained in the movie as well as areas that are just now being introduced to mining. I enjoyed it since I learned alot from it.

There was so much to do at Dynamic Earth that we ran out of time and had to go back for the most important part, the underground tour! This is the staple of Dynamic Earth and definitely something that everyone should do. Here's a picture of us just before we started the tour.

First, everyone put on a hard hat and then we headed down seven storeys into the mines and explored the mines and the equipment used from three different time periods. You actually get to experience and hear about the various time periods in mining. Here's a picture of us going into the Mid-Centure Mine, which is one of the time periods of mining that is covered on the tour.

The last mine is the modern mine and it was really interesting to see how things are done in the mines today. Also, before I forget, we also experienced a simulated mine blast and that was one of the best parts of the tour, though the whole thing was great and we had a very knowledgeable tour guide.

So, if you want to check out Dynamic Earth, head to the Dynamic Earth website to get all of the information you need!

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